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Monday, November 14, 2011

Hello, still here

It seems to long and I know I should update but just do the grind each day as we all do.. Well what's happening the 3 beautiful baby girls went off to there new homes and the good news is I will get to see them as all went local. To be honest I'm not sure if I can breed another litter and let them all go again. I maintain I don't want a house full of dogs and the fact we are not getting any younger. But I really each time would love to keep one even though I know it wouldn't be practical....So will have to see the next time.
But look forward to seeing them along with the other Alports ...Now the only thing with having a gap is my brain being a sieve I forget what's happened so if I miss anything out I am sure I will be informed LOL
Job front well where I have already been working for over the past year have offered me a position and I am so pleased as I really like being there. The staff are amazing and I get on with the residents as well so I can say I enjoy going to work ...WOW that's a 1st LOL
Dog front all seems nice and steady Rose went a bit thin coated after the pup's went but she is fine now and has returned to being a total Loon and her and Tag are driving me crazy as they play all the time and with play Tag automatically assumes a hump is on offer and think the poor lad is over due. But we have 1 or 2 things in the pipe line
Right well this was good news little Inka (Alport Black Ink) and sister to Prada ( Ch Alport Black Diamond) has picked up a RCC at Midland Counties champ show under Jenny Smith of Willowstaff....... Yaaayyyyy
Was so chuffed so pic's

Some from another show as well and love the one of her kissing her ...She also won a match night and another Open show ...The 2 bitches on concrete floor are from Midland Counties and that's Jen with Revelry French Connection who got 2nd and came all the way from France....Her Mum is the beautiful Evie from Tusselstaff  

OK CONT' ......

I am off to Sweden soon and then onto Norway cant wait for my chill factor as love it out there. Have to be Johan's slave for the day at a show we are doing on the 27th but will enjoy it LOL
Had a few pic's of the handsome Falco come through as he is doing really well at the moment and news from Luke and Prada had done well again plus a fabulous critique for her.
So here it is

"This was the star of the show for me, as soon as she entered the ring the sun shone on her almost pitch black coat it gave an impression that it was glistening.  This bitch is in the very best of condition which shows off her muscle tone, she stood alone in this class and when handled she just got better from her strong feminine head to the tip of her tail she is a picture of almost perfection, she has a style that is hardly seen in our breed being both strong and athletic at the same time, her handler brings out the best in her and as a team they come close to being the ultimate partnership.  If I may quote Forrest Gump "they go together like peas and carrots" I would have her home with me in a heartbeat.  This bitch's parts all fit together so well it would be hard for me to think of where she could improve - Best Bitch & Best In Show"
Eric Galvin

Another pic of a recent win as well under Frank McCann she is looking awesome here
 Now for new pic's of Falco in France

Had some of Ely and Eve
The beautiful half sisters to Falco Just gorgeous

 Have Tilly's 2 babies to do and they are absolutely gorgeous....  Some more recent ones of Little Beau Geste (Rosie Peanuts brother ) who is starting to look really the part now and one to watch...Had Jack finally come through from Nells 10 and will have to do some chasing up of those Alfie and Co ....Will do some more updates a bit later

1 comment:

Cherrydown Vets said...

These are beautiful examples of happy and healthy dogs. To keep your dog in such good health, regular visits to your localvet is advised.


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